Little Big Planet

Little Big Planet for Playstation 3 will be shipping out on October 21st – and those who are pre-ordering have a number of exclusive tangible and in-game items to look forward to. Personally, I will probably be heading to Circuit City or Game Crazy for their pre-order goodies, but please see the list below to see where else you can pick up some LBP swag. Brady Games “LittleBigPlanet Creator” mini guide
Circuit City: LittleBigStickerBook
Game Crazy: LittleBigPouch burlap pouch
EB Games/GameStop: In-game Kratos SackBoy costume
Best Buy: In-game Nariko SackGirl costume

To stay updated, visit

Posted by: Shar

September 2, 2008. Tags: , , . Games. Leave a comment.

“Hello!” says Shar.

Hello & nice to meet you! I’m Shar!
(The third third of M3 finally makes her debut!)

I was four years old when I decided: I want to be an artist. At twenty-two, I graduated with a B.A. in Photography. I shoot with a Canon (and a Holga, a Minolta, a Polaroid). Fast forward three months later — I currently work in an office, where the most creative thing I do is make colored cells in Excel spreadsheets. But it’s not my job that defines who I am.

(This is the point where I shamelessly plug my work.)

I have too many diverse interests & I could probably write for days, but I think the best way to sum it up..


Shall we all sing?

Chocolate chip cookies and reruns on TV,
Smiling food, bunnies, and blogging on M3,
Polaroid cameras; yarn and strings,
These are a few of my favorite things.

When my hands cramp,
When my games lag,
When I’m feeling sad..
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don’t feel so bad

Posted by: Shar

August 19, 2008. Tags: , . Introduction. Leave a comment.