“Hello!” says Shar.

Hello & nice to meet you! I’m Shar!
(The third third of M3 finally makes her debut!)

I was four years old when I decided: I want to be an artist. At twenty-two, I graduated with a B.A. in Photography. I shoot with a Canon (and a Holga, a Minolta, a Polaroid). Fast forward three months later — I currently work in an office, where the most creative thing I do is make colored cells in Excel spreadsheets. But it’s not my job that defines who I am.

(This is the point where I shamelessly plug my work.)

I have too many diverse interests & I could probably write for days, but I think the best way to sum it up..


Shall we all sing?

Chocolate chip cookies and reruns on TV,
Smiling food, bunnies, and blogging on M3,
Polaroid cameras; yarn and strings,
These are a few of my favorite things.

When my hands cramp,
When my games lag,
When I’m feeling sad..
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don’t feel so bad

Posted by: Shar

August 19, 2008. Tags: , . Introduction. Leave a comment.

Mike’s Introduction

Hello spectators!

My name is Mike. As of now I represent a third of this blog. I am a major of Sociology at University of California, Davis. I’m expecting to be in the job market in 2009, in hopes of working in Silicon Valley.

My major interests include, technology, and culture. I love french culture, bboying (breakdancing and hip-hop culture), fixed gear bicycling, and video games.

The purpose of my blog entries will be to show my involvement in the writing community as well as my interest in popular subjects. My writing perspective might differ, but one may expect to find my entries questioning the social implications involved in certain subjects. M3 feels that it’s important to be involved in the community of our interest (i.e. Internet/Silicon Valley/video games, and design).



August 17, 2008. Tags: , . Introduction. Leave a comment.

Nick’s Introduction

Hey Everyone,

My name is Nick and I’m a recent college graduate with a B.A. in History.  I am currently unemployed.  The reason I chose this major was because of self-interest.  I find history to be fascinating, as everything we have built upon is based on what our ancestors have done in the past.  It’s not the most practical major, but I enjoyed and value everything I have learned.

The problem is that it’s difficult for me to find a job right now.  I don’t have much job experience and I have a liberal arts major.  That’s alright with me though.  I know I will get my break sooner or later.

My major interests are video games, Japan, b-boying (breakdancing), and technology.  I hope to break into the video game industry at some point.  On the way, I’d like to write about what interests me and what’s going on with technology today.  I hope that it will be interesting to readers to also see what I go through as an unemployed graduate on my way to achieving my dreams.

That being said, I hope you enjoy the blog.


August 17, 2008. Tags: , . Introduction. Leave a comment.